Policy A: Member Requirements
- The Crescent Valley RP Community requires all candidates to be achieve the age of 13 years or older.
- Applicants require an official licensed copy of Grand Theft Auto V.
- Applicants are required to possess and utilize a microphone.
- All applicants must have knowledge and understanding of both Teamspeak and the Discord client.
- Members must be fluent in speaking, writing, and using the English language.
- Members holding a position in the chain of command outside our server will be denied entry into the community.
Policy B: Respect & Appeals
- All members regardless of rank, permission, or status are required to show a level of respect to any and all members.
- Excessive cursing is prohibited.
- Slandering, Defamation, or bullying any member of the community is strictly prohibited, this can include Racial Comments, Spreading Rumors, etc.
- Arguments of any kind are prohibited on community assets, assets can include the Discord Server, FiveM Server, or any asset publicly shared, owned, or operated on for Community purposes.
- Do not argue with or disrespect community staff or administration, if you disagree with an action, You may submit a Internal Affairs Appeal Form.
- Should a member be removed from the community, they may; Apply again seven (7) days after departure, or submit an appeal thirty (30) days, after being removed.
Policy C; Community Display & Formatting
- All members are required to follow the community name format on all server assets, this is assisted by the CVRP Sentry bot, which allows users to sync their display names.
- All members are required to follow the community name format which includes the members First Name, Last Initial, followed by a period and their department issued callsign. (e.g. Andrew C. 1A-1).
- Law Enforcement callsigns will contain two (2) or more digits, and the specified letter E (Echo) as formatted: 3L-#
- Fire Rescue callsigns will contain two (2) or more digits, and the specified letter F (Foxtrot) as formatted: 2F-#
- Communications callsigns will contain two (2) or more digits, and the specified letter C (Charlie) as formatted: 3C-#
- Civilian callsigns will contain the word CIV followed by a specific three (3) digit number as formatted: CIV-###
- All departments must remove the leading zero in callsigns. For example, 3L-01 should be updated to 3L-1.
- All chain of command position callsigns will contain two (2) digit callsigns, followed by their departments respective letter.
Policy D; Discord Assets
- Public Channels and offices should not exclude any member from taking part in conversations or events.
- Public channels and offices shall not be used in a malicious manner or with malicious intent.
- The CVRP discord servers are considered an IRP Asset, thus, are not exempt from the Rules and Regulations.
- Private voice channels are to be respected, therefore; Members should not join them unless specifically called into one.
- Members should not use private voice channels as personal lounges, and recreational bots shall not be summoned into one.
- Administration reserves the right to enter a private voice channel as they see fit.
- Text channels will be used in a professional manner, following the channel-specific description.
Policy E: Abuse of Power
- Any tag or role that gives one special abilities not normally obtained is not to be abused in any way, shape or form, such as moving someone without their consent.
- Changing the name or description of a channel is prohibited unless otherwise authorized by a member of administration or the office owner.
- Do not attempt to impersonate Staff or enforce rules if you are not staff, if you notice a rule violation, report it to your chain of command.
Policy F: Distribution of Assets
- Distribution of any CVRP asset is prohibited unless authorized by a member of Administration.
- Distribution and/or selling of any pornographic material or any material containing nudity and/or sexual reference is prohibited.
- Selling of any asset for any real-life currency is prohibited, including in-game money.
- Administration and above may distribute assets to server members, members shall use those assets for the dedicated purpose, and are prohibited from finding exploits or attempting to evade, or outsmart the asset.
Policy G: Server Patrols
- Push to talk is required at all times when in-game, members are prohibited from using voice activity.
- All members of the IRP Community are required to have a clear and working microphone for the purpose of roleplay.
- All RTO Channels must be respected, and only joined if patrolling.
- Members must be in their respective RTO Channel prior to joining the server and imitating their patrol.
- Members are required to abide by their respective departments standard operating procedure and policies.
- All patrol servers shall be treated as active patrol unless otherwise noted by administration.
- No other trainers or scripts should be used in game, other then approved IRP provided trainers/menus.
Policy H: Privacy & Security
- Any personal information released on any server asset is the sole responsibility of the releasing party.
- Any personal information such as, Addresses, Sexual Orientation, lifestyle, race, financial status, is at each members own risk, The CVRP Community will not be responsible for this information being shared.
- Members are the sole owner of their account, meaning, any actions that violate the Rules & Regulations or actions is their own responsibility.
- Members are limited to only one (1) account on CVRP assets, an exemption may apply to development, for development purposes.
- Members are prohibited from duel-clanning, which is defined as holding a staff or whitelisted/applied position in another community while being a member of our staff team. This policy applies to all ranks, including any applied or whitelisted positions in other communities. If a member is found to be duel-clanning, they will be removed from their staff position in our community.
Policy I: In-Game Guidelines
- Metagaming - Members are prohibited from utilizing external information while roleplaying any asset. Metagaming is defined as the use of information obtained from sources such as Discord to enhance a character's actions or decisions.
- Powergaming - Members are prohibited from engaging in powergaming. Powergaming is defined as the exploitation of game mechanics, bugs, or features to gain an unfair advantage over others.
- Realism Standards - While patrolling, all members are required to maintain a high level of realism. Members are prohibited from breaking character or engaging in actions that would be impossible or unrealistic by real-life standards.
In-Game Chat - Members are required to minimize the use of in-game chat. Members are prohibited from using out-of-character (OOC) communication for inquiries that are not related to roleplay, as outlined below.:
- "Where are the CIVS?"
- "Where is everyone?"
- "What is the AOP?"
- Random Death Match - Members are prohibited from randomly killing other members without justification or for reasons lacking a meaningful backstory. Members are encouraged to engage in roleplay and establish a backstory before initiating any actions that result in another member's death.
- Vehicle Death Match - Similar to Random Death Match, members are prohibited from engaging in Vehicle Death Match by intentionally running over individuals without prior roleplay justification. Such actions are prohibited and will result in disciplinary measures.
- Military Roleplay - Members are strictly prohibited from initiating, representing, or otherwise identifying themselves as part of the Federal or State military or any other government department not explicitly established or authorized by the Director.
- Police Impersonation - All members, regardless of rank, permissions, or status, are strictly prohibited from impersonating any government employee without explicit authorization from the Civilian Chain of Command.